
Girlfriend Getaway in Tunica

Do you ever get the song “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” stuck in your head and think about grabbing your girlfriends and heading out for some girl time? When I get that feeling the first place that comes to mind is Tunica. Of course we all know that Tunica is know for gaming and has 9 world class casinos to keep you entertained, but it’s also a great place for a weekend getaway with friends.

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Reason #5 Closer Doesn’t Mean Better – Activities

When you compare all that Tunica has to offer with what you can find in Southland, it’s not even close. So this week, we’re introducing you to the top 7 reasons why closer doesn’t mean better.  Yesterday, we discussed talked about the world-class entertainment you can find in Tunica. Today, we’re talking about all of the action you can find outside of the casino floor and the variety of activities Tunica offers to please everyone in your group.

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Snowbirds: Make Your Nest in Tunica

Northeasterners, Midwesterners, Northwesterners and those of you spread out across other unreasonably wintery regions: it’s time to make your annual migratory escape to warmth. Take off your snowshoes and come down South to Tunica and enjoy our gaming, restaurants and entertainment. You may think our accents are a little funny, but our warm hospitality will make you forget all your snow shoveling responsibilities.

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