
Take Refuge on Thanksgiving Day, Escape to Tunica

Every year, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, I begin to savor the thought of loads of food. However, my dreams of turkey and pecan pies are quickly disturbed by visions of my nieces and nephews running through the house screaming, my father’s suggestions that he worked harder for a living “back in the day,” my sister’s emotional outbursts about not being mom’s favorite, and my grandma’s incessant requests for me to sing her favorite song, “Islands in the Stream” (I am no Kenny Rogers).

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Spring Strolls in Tunica

This has to be my favorite time of the year. I look forward to the sun shining and warmer temperatures after a long winter. When Spring arrives I can not wait to get outside, take a stroll and explore. The great thing about being in Tunica is that I don’t have to go far to take a Spring stroll and if strolling is not your thing we even have a bike trail. Here are a couple of my favorite places to visit –

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