
Mississippi Delta Soil

I was driving to work this morning and saw this pivot watering a filed of milo.  I had to pull over and take a picture.  The way the sun was hitting the water was stunning.  The fields of corn, milo, soybeans, rice, wheat and cotton in Tunica are sometimes taken for granted by those of us who live here.  We get caught up in the day to day and forget to stop and appreciate the area in which we live.

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Another Cotton-Picking Day in the Delta

When someone mentions the Delta, what comes to mind?  Probably The Blues, the Mississippi River, agriculture, casinos, and, of course, cotton!  If you’ve visited Tunica, you can see that we rose from acres of farm land to become the great gaming destination we are today.  You may have glanced at the fields of cotton on your way to one of our nine casinos and maybe even stopped to grab a little.  Being that we’re not originally from the Delta area, Lisa and I wanted to learn more about cotton and experience a cotton picker for ourselves.

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