There’s still a chance that you could win a $5,000 Tunica Road Trip for you and five best buds! Because of the area flooding, we had to temporarily suspend our “Win a Road Trip with 5 Best Buds!” contest, but now WE’RE BACK!! Enter from March 7 until July 3 for a weekend getaway that includes a choice of hotel, golf, spa, museum and dining packages.
If you have already entered, no worries – we’ve still have all entries from before the suspension. Just make sure to tell all your friends to enter, too! You know just in case one of them wins & they bring you along to say “Thanks for that recommendation! You rock!”
If you haven’t entered, here’s how:
– You already Like Tunica’s Facebook page, click on this link ~ ~ If you don’t immediately see the registration page, you can also click on the GetawayGiveaway tab in the left hand column of the TunicaMS Facebook page under the Tunica sign.
– If you’re new to the awesomeness of Tunica’s Facebook page, go to and Like us! You should be redirected to the registration page.
Please note that entering for this contest must be done online via our Facebook page App on a desktop or laptop computer. You will not be able to see the various pages mentioned on any mobile devices (i.e. cell phones, tablets, iPads, etc.). We will only accept registrants who enter all appropriate information via the TunicaMS app & will not enter anyone who comments on the Facebook main page.
A winner will be announced on Facebook, July 6. Good luck!