Regular readers of this blog might remember Charlene, a slot player who usually played three-reel games with her husband George, but who played video slots when she was on her own.
In a blog entry published March 27, Charlene explained her husband wanted nothing to do with video slots, which he doesn’t see as real gambling.
Video slot players beg to differ, of course, and Charlene’s tale brought an irate retort via email.
“I really feel needled when it is suggested that penny slot players aren’t gambling. I put $20 into a penny video slot machine. I may lose my $20 or I may win a hundred. Am I golfing or bowling or reading a book? No, I’m gambling!
“For the life of me, I could never see what’s so blankety-blank exciting about bar, bar, blank space. As for winning money, I’ve knocked $100 out of a penny machine so many times I can’t remember them all. A hundred dollars is 10,000 pennies. When was the last time I knocked $10,000 out of a dollar reel machine? Never!
I went to the casino with $400 and came home with $1,100. God bless Hot Roll, Tarzan, and Tahiti Magic!
“That’s all right, reel players. You just keep telling yourselves how shrewd you are, and I’ll just keep driving home a winner with a big smile on my face!”
Video slot players seem destined to have the last word. Their favorites have won out in the marketplace as the most popular games in today’s casinos. There remains a niche who like their reels to come in threes, but most of the research and development dollars that go into modern slots go to video games and their full entertainment experience.
For my part, I’m always happy to hear from video and reel players alike, and your tales of big wins, odd happenings and why you like your favorites help keep this blog fun.