Tweet! Tweet! TunicaMS Celebrates 1st B-day on Twitter!

It’s party time in Tunica! The @TunicaMS Twitter account is one year old today! 

It all started with the first tweet “Check out the latest promotions and specials on our website”.  Little did we know that one year later and over 2,700 tweets later, we would be addicted. We have tweeted about everything from where to get the best catfish in the Delta and having to endure spa treatments to the experience of big name entertainment in Tunica, all so our followers can know what to expect when visiting. We have had a great time over the past year getting to know our Twitter friends and look forward to many more tweets.

In honor of our 1st Twitter Birthday, stop by the Tunica Visitor Center and tell us Happy Birthday between July 28th-31th, and receive a Tunica golf shirt (while supplies last).

If you aren’t already following TunicaMS on Twitter, go to  We’ll see you soon!

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