It’s the end of the year and we’re cleaning out the Comp Closet! We have buffets and fine dining comps that expire 12/30/11 and we definitely don’t want them to go to waste.
We want to know when you’ll be in Tunica before the end of the year. Comment on our blog, Facebook or Twitter pages with the dates you’ll be in Tunica between now & the end of the year and you’ll be entered to win! And because it’s the giving season, all winners will also receive a special discount at our all-new Gateway to the Blues Visitor Center Gift Shop, when they pick-up their comps! Good luck!
~ Comment on the Tunica Comp Closet Cleanout or the Facebook post specific to this contest or by mentioning @TunicaMS on Twitter with the dates you’ll be in Tunica between now & the end of the year. Your blog comment may not post immediately because we need to review and approve all comments. We’ll work as quickly as possible to get them approved.
~ Winners must be able to stop by the new Gateway to the Blues Visitor Center to pick-up their winnings. Comps will not be mailed.
~ Please note that all comps expire by December 30, 2011.
~ Entries must be RECEIVED by Monday, 12/19/11 at noon.
~ Winners will be ANNOUNCED Monday, 12/19/11 at 2pm.
One entry per person is allowed. Must be 21 or older to win and be a legal U.S. resident. Winners will be randomly chosen from all submissions. Prizes are awarded by the Tunica Convention & Visitors Bureau. Prizes do not include transportation. Contest questions should be directed to the Tunica CVB Facebook page (, Twitter page (@TunicaMS) or at blog.