It’s November in the Mississippi Delta! It seems that each month has its own theme, October – Breast Cancer Awareness, November – Thanksgiving, December – Christmas. But for those who live, work and play in the Mississippi Delta, November is a time of dramatic change. We lose an hour of day light as we set our clocks back an hour and the lush green fields of summer return to their natural state as the farmers end their harvest and prepare the land for next years new beginning.
These changes all lead to the real theme of November here in the Delta – Duck Hunting! The shorter days and changes in temperature transform our baron fields, oxbow lakes and Cyprus brakes into a hunters paradise bringing with it the annual flight of ducks down the Mississippi fly-way.
Here in Tunica, hunters have begun preparing their fields, brakes and “duck holes” that will bring with it mornings of spectacular sunrises, tall tales told within the duck blind and hopefully plenty of birds.
While we are known primarily for our eight casinos, more and more of our visitors are combining their casino action with a guided hunt from one of our several outfitters. If you are interested in experiencing our great outdoors, we urge you to contact one of our outfitters and book your hunt today.
Mississippi Duck Season – November 29, 2019 – January 31, 2020
Beaver Dam Hunt Service
Contact: Mike Boyd
Delta Duck Hunts
Contact: David Melton
White Oak Hunting Service
Contact: Phil Cagle