Betting on Multiple Paylines

When video slots started their rise to prominence in the late 1990s, the most popular games were in nickel denominations, there were relatively few paylines — five, nine, and eventually 15 — and you could choose the number of paylines and amount per line you wanted to play.

If you wanted to play one line for one credit, you could play for a nickel a spin.

In today’s casinos, the most popular games are pennies, have 30, 40, 50 or more paylines or use the Reel Power 243 ways to win format, and often require a minimum bet to cover all paylines.

On a 40-line game, you’ll often see a 40-cent minimum bet.

That irritates a player who recently wrote to say, “I like it when I can choose the number of lines, and I like to play just one line. I’ll make the maximum bet for that one line.

“To me, that’s the most exciting way to play, all or nothing. I win a lot less often, but when I do win, I get several times my bet. There’s none of this losing money on a “winning” spin. If a combination pays seven credits (per coin wagered) for a one-line win, why should I lose money by paying for 29 other paylines?”

From a casino perspective, allowing players to wager one coin on one payline presents a problem, especially since the rise in penny slots.

If you play 1 cent per spin, the casino take is small enough that it doesn’t pay for electricity and upkeep. In addition to that, if you’re playing a machine for such small amounts, it means the game isn’t available to another player who would bet more.

It seems likely that before long, all new slots will have forced minimum bets. I don’t have a real problem with a casino refusing to accept a slot bet of less than 40 cents any more than I have a problem with a casino refusing to accept table bets of less than $5.

I do have qualms about terminology. It seems misleading to call a game with a 40-cent minimum a “penny” or “1-cent” game.

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