Rival Drawing
Sunday, February 2 | 5pm & Halftime
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Place a $10 minimum wager in The Sportsbook from 9am to 5 minutes before halftime day of promotion to participate.
Taste of Hollywood
1150 Casino Strip Resort Blvd. Tunica Resorts
MS 38664
(662) 357-7700
Hollywood & Grind
1150 Casino Strip Resort Blvd.
Tunica Resorts, MS 38664
(662) 357-7700
Fairbanks Steakhouse
1150 Casino Strip Resort Blvd.
Tunica Resorts, MS 38664
(662) 357-7700
Blue Plate Kitchen
1477 Casino Strip Resorts Blvd
Tunica Resorts, MS 38664
(800) 456-0711