By Lisa Konupka on Wednesday August 13, 2014
I was driving to work this morning and saw this pivot watering a filed of milo. I had to pull over and take a picture. The way the sun was hitting the water was stunning. The fields of corn, milo, soybeans, rice, wheat and cotton in Tunica are sometimes taken for granted by those of us who live here. We get caught up in the day to day and forget to stop and appreciate the area in which we live. The MS Delta is like no other. Home to the most fertile soil in the world created from centuries of…
I was driving to work this morning and saw this pivot watering a filed of milo. I had to pull over and take a picture. The way the sun was hitting the water was stunning. The fields of corn, milo, soybeans, rice, wheat and cotton in Tunica are sometimes taken…
By Webster Franklin on Friday August 1, 2014
The Mississippi Delta Summer Blues – #G8Way2theBlues Progress! Wow, is the summer finally over? College football kicks off this week marking the official start of the fall season. But, being August in the Mississippi Delta, it’s HOT and I’m not just talking about the temperature! The thermometers rise has not cooled off the progress from here alongside Blues Highway 61 at the Gateway to the Blues Visitor Center and soon to be Museum. In fact, August has seen this project get hotter than a Mississippi Delta Juke Joint on a Saturday night! Check out these two brief videos on our…
The Mississippi Delta Summer Blues – #G8Way2theBlues Progress! Wow, is the summer finally over? College football kicks off this week marking the official start of the fall season. But, being August in the Mississippi Delta, it’s HOT and I’m not just talking about the temperature! The thermometers rise has not…