



Mississippi Delta Soil

 Mississippi Delta Soil

I was driving to work this morning and saw this pivot watering a filed of milo.  I had to pull over and take a picture.  The way the sun was hitting the water was stunning.  The fields of corn, milo, soybeans, rice, wheat and cotton in Tunica are sometimes taken for granted by those of us who live here.  We get caught up in the day to day and forget to stop and appreciate the area in which we live.

The MS Delta is like no other. Home to the most fertile soil in the world created from centuries of flooding by the Mississippi River, the Delta has an ever-changing flat landscape of seasonal agricultural products.  In Tunica, there are approximately 211,000 acres of land that are farmed each year. 

Watching the farmers take care of the land and their crops is always a treat.  Seeing the never ending fields being prepped for planting, the crops creeping through the dusty earth and growing into a luscious sea of green never gets old.  It however is the harvest that provides the unmatched view of the fields being burned against the setting sun, that is to me, magical.

And you thought we were just casinos.

Here is another article on the Mississippi Delta’s land from the Delta Bohemian that I thought you might enjoy. 

“The sky had cleared, and now the sun was overhead, already baking the wet ground so that you could see the humidity drifting lazily above the cotton stalks.” ― John Grisham, A Painted House

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